Book Screws are ideal for binding sample books or colour swatches onto catalogues and suit for applications in furniture constructions. These fasteners are stocked in two standard colours to suit most applications and are used in conjunction with the Female parts.
Book screw also call Chicago screws, Chicago screw posts, bookbinding screws are great for binding your documents. Using one or two holes can replace binders and save precious space when archiving your documents. Place a chicago screw in the corner of your marketing material for a smart, economical and elegant finish. TOP SCREW supply Brass, Steel, Alimunium, and Stainless Stell screw .
Aluminum binding posts/Chicago screws are great for binding all types of products. They can be used for swatches, photo albums, menus, and much more. Screwposts are available in black and gold (brass) as well as natural aluminum.